Human globins are encoded by mRNAs exhibiting high stabilities in transcriptionally silenced erythrocyte progenitors. Unlike ␣-globin mRNA, whose stability is enhanced by assembly of a specific messenger RNP (mRNP) ␣ complex on its 3 untranslated region (UTR), neither the structure(s) nor the mechanism(s) that effects the high-level stability of human -globin mRNA has been identified. The present work describes an mRNP complex assembling on the 3 UTR of the -globin mRNA that exhibits many of the properties of the stability-enhancing ␣ complex. The -globin mRNP complex is shown to contain one or more factors homologous to ␣CP, a 39-kDa RNA-binding protein that is integral to ␣-complex assembly. Sequence analysis implicates a specific 14-nucleotide pyrimidine-rich track within its 3 UTR as the site of -globin mRNP assembly. The importance of this track to mRNA stability is subsequently verified in vivo using mice expressing human -globin transgenes that contain informative mutations in this region. In combination, the in vitro and in vivo analyses indicate that the high stabilities of the ␣-and -globin mRNAs are maintained through related mRNP complexes that may share a common regulatory pathway.Eukaryotic mRNAs display half-lives (t 1/2 s) that range from as short as several minutes (74) to as long as several days (1, 52). Although short-lived mRNAs are typically present in low abundance, their steady-state levels rapidly adjust to reflect fluctuations in gene transcriptional activity. In contrast, longlived mRNAs may accumulate to high levels that are relatively slow in responding to changes in gene transcription. It is not surprising that mRNAs encoding cytokines, proto-oncogenes, and factors that regulate gene transcription, cell growth, and cell cycling are generally short-lived (6, 49), while mRNAs encoding structural proteins (e.g., collagens) (24, 41) or highly abundant functional products (e.g., crystallins and globins) (4, 36, 52, 66) display longer t 1/2 s. Although the stabilities of most mRNAs are likely to be constitutive, some-including mRNAs encoding the transferrin receptor (34), histones (5), tubulin (15), and interleukin-2 (11, 12)-display dynamic stabilities that vary in response to changing cellular requirements or environmental conditions (reviewed in reference 49).The t 1/2 s of individual mRNAs reflect the combined effects of general and specific determinants of mRNA stability. Two nearly invariant features of eukaryotic mRNAs-the m 7 G(5Ј)ppp(5Ј)N cap (21, 60) and 3Ј poly(A) tail (7, 37, 73)-are believed to provide a basal level of stability to all mRNAs by preventing their degradation by cytoplasmic exonucleases. The mRNA-stabilizing properties of the poly(A) tail have been linked both to its poly(A)-binding protein-binding function (7, 50) and to its capacity to stimulate active translation (46; reviewed in references 49 and 57). In addition to these general determinants, a number of well-defined cis elements appear to mediate the stabilities of specific mRNAs. These structurally d...