The purpose of this paper is to describe the MR imaging findings of right adrenal hemorrhage after orthotopic liver transplantation. Twenty-seven orthotopic liver transplantation patients underwent MR studies of the liver and/or biliary system. Patients were referred to MR examination because of suspected biliary complications ( n=22) or for evaluation of mass lesions ( n=5). The standard MR protocol included T1-weighted spin-echo (SE) or gradient-recalled echo (GRE) images and T2-weighted turbo SE (TSE) images with fat suppression. In addition, cholangiography pulse sequences and/or contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images were obtained according to specific indications. In 2 patients a right adrenal mass was detected at MR imaging. Three to 4 weeks after transplantation, the lesions were markedly hyperintense on T2-weighted images and showed a hypointense capsule. Follow-up MR examinations revealed a slight decrease in size and a change in morphology. Computed tomography examinations of these 2 patients, obtained 10 weeks after transplantation, showed resolution of the hemorrhage and transformation into a cystic lesion in one case and a complete resolution of the hemorrhage and a normal right adrenal gland in the other case. Adrenal hemorrhage after liver transplantation shows typical MR features and should not be mistaken for an adrenal tumor or a postoperative abscess.