Traditional methods of detecting cardiac illness are often problematic in the medical field. The doctor must next study and interpret the findings of the patient's medical record received from the electrocardiogram and echocardiogram. These tasks often take a long time and require patience. The use of computational technology in medicine, especially the study of cardiac disease, is not new. Scientists are continuously striving for the most reliable method of diagnosing a patient's cardiac illness, particularly when an integrated system is constructed. The study attempted to propose an alternative for identifying cardiac illness using a supervised learning technique, namely the multi-layer perceptron (MLP). The study started with the collection of patient medical record data, which yielded up to 534 data points, followed by pre-processing and transformation to provide up to 324 data points suitable to be employed by learning algorithms. The last step is to create a heart disease classification model with distinct activation functions using MLP. The degree of classification accuracy, k-fold cross-validation, and bootstrap are all used to test the model. According to the findings of the study, MLP with the Tanh activation function is a more accurate prediction model than logistics and Relu. The classification accuracy level (CA) for MLP with Tanh and k-fold cross-validation is 0.788 in a data-sharing situation, while it is 0.672 with Bootstrap. MLP using the Tanh activation function is the best model based on the CA level and the AUC value, with values of 0.832 (k-fold cross-validation) and 0.857 (bootstrap).