As civilization developed, man passed through the Stone Age, the Iron Age, and the Bronze Age. Now we are living in the Plastics Age.As supplies of iron, copper, lead, and other metals decrease, they are replaced mostly by plastics. The conquest of space and Mount Everest, the rapid development of industry, and the higher standard of hygiene and clothing would not have been possible without the development of the plastics industry.Plastics are obtained from salt, petroleum, wood, methane, gas, quartz, etc. Because our country possessed these raw materials, the plastics industry was developed and large plants were built.Simultaneously with the development of the plastics industry, studies for observing the health status of workers exposed to the new chemicals were initiated. There has been a rapid increase in the number of chemicals used, and we do not yet know all the adverse effects of these new chemicals. Some substances cause diseases in man which cannot be reproduced in animals, such as, arterial hypertension, Raynaud's phenomenon, scleroderma, and gastricduodenal ulcer, and unfortunately, when animals are exposed to toxic substances, they cannot describe the onset and evolution of the disease.Plastics, as finished articles, are considered generally harmless. The problem is, to what extent do the monomers or substances used in the chemical industry determine acute or chronic effects in the human organism.