SYNOPSISThe hepatic folate in non-anaemic hospital patients was found to correlate poorly with the fasting serum folate. The rise in methylfolate in the systemic circulation following the absorption of folic acid was directly related to the folate content of the liver.The serum folate is sensitive to minor changes in folate intake and requirement and is thus of limited value as an index of folate status. The liver is the main site of the stores of this vitamin in man. Waters (1963) recorded excellent correlation between the serum and liver folates in megaloblastic anaemias and in a few control patients. Chanarin, Hutchinson, McLean, and Moule (1966) When folic acid is ingested a portion is reduced and methylated in the gut wall (Chanarin and Perry, 1969) but the remainder passes to the liver where it exchanges with stored methylfolate (Chanarin, 1969). Any subsequent rise in systemic blood folate is due to unaltered folic acid, to methylated absorbed folic acid, and to displaced methylfolate. Tests have been carried out to compare the increment in serum methylfolate after ingestion of folic acid with the hepatic folate.
Material and Methods
MATERIALTwenty-five patients undergoing either cholecystectomy or pyloroplasty and vagotomy gave permission, after the purpose of the investigation had been explained to them, for the surgeon to take a liver biopsy at the time of the operation. Blood for serum folate was taken, and a folate absorption test (40,ug/ kg body weight folic acid, Folvite, given in water to the fasting patient without prior saturation with folic acid) was carried out during the first week after operation. A second sample of blood was taken two hours later for the postabsorption serum folate assay. None of the patients was anaemic or had evidence of malabsorption or liver disease.
ASSAYSThe liver samples were prepared for assay by the method of Chanarin et al (1966). These and the serum folate were assayed using L. casei (ATCC 7469) and the postabsorption serum using L. casei and Str. faecalis (NCIB 6459). The fasting serum level has been deducted from the L. casei postabsorption level recorded. In our laboratory the normal serum folate is 3-8 ng/ml. Results The assay results are listed in the Table. The folate content of the liver samples ranged from 0.8 to 23-0 ,ug/g with a mean of 7'1 -A.g/g.Ten of the 15 patients with a liver folate content of 5 ,tglg or more had a normal serum folate, and 10 of the 13 with a normal serum folate had a liver folate of 5 ,ug/g or more. However, the coefficient of correlation (r) for all the results is not significant at 0-23.There was significant correlation between the hepatic folate (x) and the difference between the two-hour postabsorption serum assays (y) (column 5; r = 0-57; 0-001 < p < 0-01). The regression lines y = 1-9 x + 3'9 and x = 0-2 y + 2-0 could be fitted to the graphed points.There was less, but still significant, correlation between the hepatic folate and the rise in total serum folate, as assayed by L. casei (column 3; r = 0-42; 0-01 < p < 0 05)....