Background: Patients with surgical jaundice need quick and precise diagnosis for the presence of an obstruction in the biliary tract, to establish the level and nature of the lesion. The importance of history and clinical examination in arriving at a correct pre-operative diagnosis needs to be emphasized. Present study attempts to determine the various causes, age and sex pattern in extra hepatic obstructive jaundice.Methods: 100 patients with surgical jaundice were studied at IMS and SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar, India during the period from September 2015 to September 2017 who were diagnosed by investigation like ultrasonography and liver function test.Results: 76% of patients were between the age group of 50-80 years, there was a slight male predominance in 53.33%, malignant cause for surgical jaundice constituted in 66.67% with carcinoma head of pancreas the commonest cause in 33.33%, benign cause for surgical jaundice constituted in 33.33%, with choledocholithiasis the commonest cause in 23.33%.Conclusions: Most common age group seen in surgical jaundice was between 50-80 years. The sex ratio is near equalizing. Most common cause of surgical jaundice was carcinoma head of pancreas and choledocholithiasis.