30 Achievement of immunocompetent and therapeutic T lymphopoiesis from pluripotent 31 stem cells is a central aim in T cell regenerative medicine. To date, preferentially 32 regenerating T lymphopoiesis in vivo from pluripotent stem cells (PSC) remains a 33 practical challenge. Here we documented that synergistic and transient expression of 34 Runx1 and Hoxa9 restricted in the time window of endothelial to hematopoietic 35 transition and hematopoietic maturation stages induced in vitro from PSC (iR9-PSC) 36 preferentially generated engraftable hematopoietic progenitors capable of homing to 37 thymus and developing into mature T (iT) cells in primary and secondary 38 immunodeficient recipients. Single-cell transcriptome and functional analyses 39 illustrated the cellular trajectory of T lineage induction from PSC, unveiling the 40 T-lineage specification determined at as early as hemogenic endothelial cell stage and 41 identifying the bona fide pre-thymic progenitors. The iT cells distributed normally in 42 central and peripheral lymphoid organs and exhibited abundant TCRαβ repertoire. 43 The regenerative T lymphopoiesis rescued the immune-surveillance ability in 44 3 immunodeficient mice. Furthermore, gene-edited iR9-PSC produced tumor-specific-T 45 cells in vivo that effectively eradicated tumor cells. This study provides insight into 46 universal generation of functional and therapeutic T lymphopoiesis from the unlimited 47 and editable PSC source. 48 lymphopoiesis 50 INTRODUCATION 51A prominent method to generate T cells is an in vitro system via co-culture of either 52 mouse or human hematopoietic stem/progenitors (HSPC) with stromal cell lines 53 expressing the Notch ligand, such as OP9-DL1/DL4 or 3D-based MS5-hDLL1/4 1-3 .
54Despite the great contribution of this approach to studying T cell development in vitro, 55 phenotypic T cells produced by this approach face severe immunocompetency 56 problems in vivo after engraftment, due to the inadequate in vitro recapitulation of 57 natural thymus microenvironment. Natural mouse Sca1 + cKit + and human CD34 + 58 blood progenitor cells can be induced into CD7 + pre-thymic cells in vitro, which 59 successfully colonize thymi and mature into immunocompetent T cells in vivo 4,5 .
60However, this in vitro plus in vivo two-step approach never succeeded in generating 61 induced T lymphopoiesis when starting from pluripotent stem cells (PSC), as induced 62 T cell progenitors from PSC showed intrinsic thymus-homing defect in vivo 6 . 63 Another prevailing concept for generating functional T lymphopoiesis from PSC is 64 via induction of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC)-like intermediates followed by in vivo 65 multi-lineage hematopoiesis, including T cells 7-10 . However, generating robust bona 66 4 fide induced-HSC (iHSC) from PSC remains inefficient 11,12 and whether this 67 approach can generate therapeutic tumor-killing T cells is unknown. Recently, Hoxb5 68 is shown to convert natural B cells into functional T cells in vivo 13 , providing an 69 alternative method to shor...