Viral hepatitis C (HCV) is a major health problem that affects important number of people around the world, the emergence of new direct antiviral treatments is a real therapeutic revolution to days it allows the cure hepatitis C in the majority of patients, but these treatments is accompanied by numerous side effects. Sofosbuvir, Pegylated interferon and Ribavirin are the standard care for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in Algeria. In this study, we are interesting to investigate hematological toxicity of Antiviral treatment in Algerian patients with chronic hepatitis C. We carried out a comparative study, which involved 300 men and women Algerian at different ages. The determination of the various Epidemiological, Hematological, biochemical (AST, ALT, Glycemia) and virological (Viral load) parameters was performed. The analysis of 300 data shows that the infection with hepatitis C affects the age group between (46 -65 years) with a percentage of 67% with a female predominance 82% and a clear predominance of genotype 1b with a percentage (89%), Dual therapy (Sofosbuvir + Ribavirin) and triple therapy (Sofosbuvir + Ribavirin + Pegylated interferon) induce a high hematological toxicity -Hemolytic anemia ( revealed by a decrease of the number of Red blood cell and Hemoglobin level, as well as the percentage of hematocrit and the increase of mean corpuscular volume that induced the increase of red blood cell masse and the expansion) -Thrombocytopenia (revealed by the decrease in the number of platelets ) and leukopenia (translated by the decrease in the number of White blood cells and lymphocytes as well as monocytes, and a very significant increase in granulocytes) whereas in monotherapy (Sofosbuvir) a low toxicity was noticed, the Patients how receiving triple therapy (Sofosbuvir + Ribavirin + Pegylated interferon) can be developing diabetes mellitus. Antiviral treatments were significantly induced hemolytic anemia, leucopenia and thrombopenia in Algerian patients with chronic hepatitis C.