“…Considering the dominant species, their feeding habits and mechanisms of adaptions to environmental factors, four types of biological interactions may influence the community patterns: (1) P r e d a t i o n (see Connell, 1970, I975;Dayton, 1971Dayton, , 1975Paine, 1974Paine, , 1976Menge, 1976Menge, , 1978aMenge, , 1978bMenge, , 1983Menge & Sutherland, 1976Connell & Slatyer, 1977;Lubchenco & Menge, 1978;Hughes, 1985;Marsh, 1986;Petraitis, 1987). (2} H e r b i v o r y (sometimes also called "grazing", though this means something different to a lotof scientists: see Paine & Vadas, 1969;Dayton, 1971Dayton, , 1975Connell & Slatyer, 1977;Lubchenco, 1978Lubchenco, , 1980Lubchenco, , 1982Lubchenco, , 1983Lubchenco & Menge, 1978;Kitting, 1980;Lein, 1980;Lubchenco & Cubit, 1980;Underwood, 1980Underwood, , 1984aUnderwood, , 1984bLubchenco & Gaines, 1981;Robles & Cubit, 1981;Underwood & Jernakoff, 1981;Gaines & Lubchenco, 1982;Steneck, 1982;Bertness et al, 1983;Hawkins & Hartnoll, 1983;Cubit, 1984;Hartnoll & Hawkins, 1985;Jernakoff, 1985a…”