E very year, osteoporosis causes millions of fractures worldwide, with the lifetime risk of suffering a wrist, hip, or vertebral fracture estimated to be about 30% in developed countries. (1) Osteoporosis has been operationally defined for diagnostic and treatment purposes on the basis of the bone mineral density (BMD) assessment performed at the skeletal sites where fracture is most common. Nevertheless, BMD measurement alone is not optimal for the detection of individuals at high risk of fracture. Despite high specificity (ie, risk of fracture is high when BMD is low), BMD measurement also holds low sensitivity (ie, risk is still substantial when BMD levels do not indicate the presence of osteoporosis). This has to do with the multifactorial etiology of osteoporosis and its associated fractures, involving significant environmental influences together with a very large set of genetic factors acting across numerous biological processes. Multiple underlying factors, apart from bone strength, influence the risk of fracture, including age, sex, menopausal status, diet, physical activity, smoking, falls risk, coexisting diseases, and medications. Among the established risk factors, the predictive ability of family history of fracture has led researchers to start looking for the molecular genetic determinants of fracture. Such enterprises usually start by determining how much of the phenotypic variance is explained by genetic factors, ie, determining the "heritability" of the traits of interest. Theoretically, identifying the factors that together constitute the genetic contribution to fracture risk will expand the understanding of the underlying biologic mechanisms, lead to development of novel interventions (treatments), and will enable the application of molecular definitions to reclassify disease and improve risk prediction. Until 2005, the identification of genetic factors for complex diseases such as osteoporosis was plagued with underpowered and irreproducible studies of suspected (well-known) candidate genes in human studies (eg, cases/controls, families, sib pairs, and populations). It was, however, realized that collaboration could overcome several of these hurdles, and this concept proved successful when hypothesis-free interrogations of the complete genome were made possible by novel massively parallel genotyping techniques that analyzed millions of DNA polymorphisms simultaneously. As in other human complex diseases, the field of genetics of osteoporosis has been revolutionized by the advent of the so-called genome-wide association study (GWAS) approach, (2) very rapidly bringing the number of identified BMD loci from none (3) to dozens (4) and currently hundreds (5) in less than a decade of GWAS research. This has resulted in an unprecedented leap in the number of factors and pathways being linked to skeletal biology, some of which have been shown to constitute in retrospect solid leads for pharmacological treatment, (6,7) whereas others revealed clear translational potential of a GWAS discovery. (8,9) ...