Evaluation of four varieties of mango was carried out at Agriculture Research and Development Centre, Samtenling during 2016-2018 to characterise the varieties with basic morphological traits and to assess their performance under sub-tropical agro-ecological zone. The varieties evaluated were Chinwang, Irwin, Duncan and Tommy Atkin with Amrapali as a check. Description of morphological traits is based on IBPGR mango descriptors. For performance evaluation, yield data and fruit quality analysis were recorded. Significant differences were observed in the quality analysis of fruits from all the varieties tested against the check variety. Maximum fruit weight was recorded in Chinwang variety with the mean weight of 893 gram and minimum was recorded in Amrapali (194 gram). The TSS result from all the four varieties did not show any significant difference (P value 0.0998) with the mean TSS of 13.2. Average yield per tree was also recorded in Chinwang (81kg/ tree) followed by Tommy Atkin (79 kg/tree), Duncan (69 kg/tree) and Irwin (33 kg/tree and lowest yield in the check variety Amrapali (19 kg/tree). Although all varieties were short stature in growth habit, Chinwang was found to be taller (5.2 m) than other varieties (Amrapali (4.7 m), Duncan (4 m), Irwin (3.9 m) and Tommy Atkin (4.0 m)). All four varieties have the potential for further promotion. However, continued multi-location evaluation will determine their performance under different climate and soil conditions.