As seeds of the French bean (Phaseoluts tulgaris, L. cv.Tendergreen) mature, a single protein, GI globulin (analogous to legumin), represents the majority of protein synthesized. Washed polysomes extracted from developing cotyledons had little endogenous activity in amino acid in-corporation, but on addition of cell-free extracts from wheat germ, active incorporation was obtained, the level being similar to that with viral RNA as nmessenger. The M1g2+ optimum for protein synthesis in the presence of bean polysomes was 6 mM compared with 4 mM for synthesis of viral polypeptides in the wheat germ system. Using T-2 toxin as an inhibitor, it was shown that 29% of the incorporation depended on initiation events. Electrophoretic analysis of the total polypeptide products of cell-free synthesis gave a disperse profile. Centrifugation to remiiove polysome-bound peptides after 60 minutes incubation gave a supernatant having a product with the same electrophoretic mobility as GI globulin and containing 26%7G of the radioactivity present in the gel. Protein eluted from this peak was subjected to re-electrophoresis and shown to consist of the three polypeptide subunits characteristic of GI globulin.It has been appreciated for some years that the developing seed should be a useful experimental system for studies on protein synthesis (5, 6). The onset of rapid synthesis of protein at a well defined developmental stage has been documented for several legumes, including Vicia (5), Pisum (2), and Phlaseolus (11,12). An additional advantage to protein studies is the fact that during this growth phase relatively few molecular species are synthesized and accumulated in the maturing cotyledons of these plants. The Ltd., Elmhurst, Ill. 60126). One gram fresh weight of cotyledons was used per 3 ml of buffer. After four 20-sec bursts at full speed, the homogenate was filtered through four layers of acetate taffeta cloth. The filtrate was centrifuged (4 C) at 20,000 rpm for 40 min in a Spinco 60 Ti rotor. The supernatant was layered onto a 5-ml sucrose cushion (1.5 M sucrose, 20 mm KCl, 5 mm Mg acetate in 50 mm tris-acetate, pH 8.5) and centrifuged for 2 hr at 39,000 rpm. After two quick rinses with sterile distilled H20, the pellet (polysomes) was suspended gently in 10 mm tris-acetate, pH 8.5, containing 20 mm KCl, 1 mm Mg acetate, and 20' (v,'v)