We characterize the finite Veronesean H n ⊆ PG(n(n + 2), q) of all Hermitian varieties of PG(n, q 2 ) as the unique representation of PG(n, q 2 ) in PG(d, q), d ≥ n(n + 2), where points and lines of PG(n, q 2 ) are represented by points and ovoids of solids, respectively, of PG(d, q), with the only condition that the point set of PG(d, q) corresponding to the point set of PG(n, q 2 ) generates PG(d, q).Using this result for n = 2, we show that H 2 ⊆ PG(8, q) is characterized by the following properties: (1) |H 2 | = q 4 + q 2 + 1; (2) each hyperplane of PG(8, q) meets H 2 in q 2 + 1, q 3 + 1 or q 3 + q 2 + 1 points;(3) each solid of PG(8, q) having at least q + 3 points in common with H 2 shares exactly q 2 + 1 points with it.