“…In general, the observed richness to the
PESP is similar than that of other sites in the low-elevated Southeast Atlantic Forest (e.g., Marques and Sazima 2004,
Centeno et al 2008, Pontes and Rocha 2008,
Hartmann et al 2009a,
b, São Pedro and Pires 2009,
Moura et al 2012,
Trevine et al 2014). Given the altitude increments of this sampling effort, several high-altitude species are expected to be found in the area, such as
Ditaxodontaeniatus (Peters in Hensel, 1868), with a record to the Campos do Jordão - SP, approximately 100 km from the study area (see
Thomas et al 2006);
Philodryasarnaldoi (Amaral, 1933), with two records for the Franca - SP, approximately 330 km away from the study site (Bérnils 2009).…”