Noncovalent chalcogen−chalcogen interactions are being actively investigated from both crystallographic and theoretical viewpoints in recent years. According to our search of the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), a huge number of crystal structures containing triangular Ch 3 synthons were extracted. On the basis of the results of the CSD survey, a series of trimeric complexes of organic divalent chalcogen molecules were selected to model such interaction motifs. Similar to that in conventional chalcogen bonds, triangular interchalcogen interactions become gradually stronger along the sequence of Ch = S, Se, Te. Particularly, hydrogen bonds between the chalcogen centers and the H atoms in the substituents occur, which play a significant role in stabilizing the Ch 3 motifs in the trimers. Through multibody energy calculations, the complexes under study exhibit no or only weak cooperativity. Finally, the differences between the Ch 3 interaction motifs and the wellstudied windmill X 3 bonding (X means halogen and this is halogen bond) patterns were elucidated.