“…(A. F. Newton, unpublished database). Except Neobisnius , the monophyly of Philonthus , Gabrius , Bisnius , Gabronthus (Smetana, ; Solodovnikov and Schomann, ; Chani‐Posse, ), Belonuchus , Hesperus (Schillhammer, , ; Li and Zhou, ; Chani‐Posse, ), Cafius (Jeon et al., ) and Paederomimus (Chani‐Posse, ) has been questioned. Current diagnoses for those genera are based on a combination of plesiomorphies for Philonthina involving the structure of front tarsi (sexually dimorphic or not), pronotum (superior marginal line distinctly deflected or not, position of the lateral puncture relative to the superior marginal line), last segment of maxillary and labial palpi (shape and length), mesoventrite (transversely carinate or not, shape of apical portion), hind tarsi (relative length of tarsomeres 1 and 5) and sternum 9 (basal portion symmetric or asymmetric).…”