The two independent O _ N _ Oa nd N _ Nc oordination sites of an ewly synthesized bis[2-(hydroxyphenyl)-1,2,4-triazole] platform have been exploited to prepare fourm onometallic neutral (O _ N _ O)Pt II complexes carryingD MSO, pyridine, triphenylphosphine, or N-heterocyclic carbene as the fourth ligand.T hen, the second N _ Nc oordination site was used to introduce an IR-active rhenium tricarbonyl entity,a ffording the four correspondingh eterobimetallic neutral Pt II / Re I complexes,a sw ell as ac ationic Pt II /Re I derivative.X-ray crystallographic studiess howed that distortiono ft he organic platform occurred to accommodate the coordination geometry of both metal centers. No ligand exchange or transchelation occurred upon incubation of the Pt II complexes in aqueouse nvironment or in the presence of Fe III ,r espectively. The antiproliferativea ctivity of the ligand and complexes was first screened on the triple-negative breast cancerc ell line MDA-MB-231. Then, the IC 50 values of the most active candidates were determined on aw ider panel of human cancerc ells (MDA-MB-231, MCF-7, and A2780), as well as on anontumorigenic cell line (MCF-10A). Low micromolar activities were reached for the complexes carrying aD MSO ligand, making them the first examples of highly active, but hydrolytically stable, Pt II complexes. Finally,t he characteristic mid-IRs ignature of the {Re(CO) 3 }f ragment in the Pt/Re heterobimetallic complexes wasu sed to quantify their uptake in breast cancer cells.