Ruthenium porphyrins constitute an unmatched family of metalloporphyrin that exhibits extraordinary versatility in binding N-donating ligands at the axial sites. [1±5] A wide variety of ruthenium porphyrins featuring axial RuÀN bonds have been prepared, including those bearing amine, [1c, 3a,3b] amido, [3b±d,g] imido, [3a,c±e,g,j] imine, [3h, 4] methyleneamido, [3h] nitrile, [1a, 2] hydrazido, [3f] nitrosoarene, [1b, 3i] nitrosyl, [5] and dinitrogen [1d] axial ligands (Scheme 1, a±j). This makes the lack of [*] Prof.