“…In 36 studies, these communication technologies were complemented by dynamic technologies (n = 4; e.g., simulations in , and sharing and co-construction technologies (n = 34; e.g., wikis in Su, Li, Hu, & Rosé, 2018; student blogs in Sharma & Tietjen, 2016; websites where learners looked for information in Swigger, Hoyt, Serce, Lopez, & Alpaslan, 2012; or tools used to increase the awareness of CSCL among learners in Järvelä et al, 2016). Dynamic technologies were the only technological resource used in four studies (e.g., Lämsä, Hämäläinen, Koskinen, & Viiri, 2018), whereas five studies enhanced CSCL with sharing and co-construction technologies only (e.g., Schneider & Pea, 2014), and one study used both of these (Rasmussen & Damşa. 2017).…”