In the present paper, we consider boundary value problems on the real half-line Λ := [0, ∞) of the following form ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ Φ a(t, x(t)) x (t) = f (t, x(t), x (t)) a.e. on Λ, x(0) = ν 1 , x(∞) = ν 2 , where Φ : R → R is a strictly increasing homeomorphism, a ∈ C(Λ × R, R) is nonnegative which can vanish on a set of zero Lebesgue measure and f is a Caratheódory function on Λ × R 2. Under very general assumptions on the functions a and f , including an appropriate version of the well-known Nagumo-Wintner growth condition, we prove the existence of at least one solution of the above problem in a suitable Sobolev space. Our approach combines a fixed-point technique with the method of lower/upper solutions.