Over the last decade, 1,2-metallate rearrangement of boronate complex has been dominating the literature of organoboron chemistry for the construction of very important CÀCa nd CÀboron bonds. Owing to the coordinative unsaturated nature of the boron atom, an ucleophile can attack on boron centerf or the formation of ab oronate complex, which triggers 1,2-migration under electrophilica ctivation at the a-carbon. Apart from using stochiometric electrophilic activating reagents, several catalytic methods using transition metals in the presence or absence of light have been reported. The 1,2-migration of boronate complexes allows synthesis of many different classes of racemic and chiral compounds including aw ide range of substituted heterocycles. Synthesis of chiral and achiral substituted heterocycles by using 1,2-metallate rearrangement of boronate complexes has been extensively reportedb ys everal groups owing to its prevalence in medicinal chemistry.T his minireview highlights the methods known to date for the synthesis of heteroarylsb yu sing 1,2-migrationo fb oronate complexes, organized in achronological manner. Scheme1.Electrophile-induced1 ,2-metallater earrangements.