We have studied the phase locking and spectral linewidth of an ϳ2.7 THz quantum cascade laser by mixing its two lateral lasing modes. The beat signal at about 8 GHz is compared with a microwave reference by applying conventional phase lock loop circuitry with feedback to the laser bias current. Phase locking has been demonstrated, resulting in a narrow beat linewidth of less than 10 Hz. Under frequency stabilization we find that the terahertz line profile is essentially Lorentzian with a minimum linewidth of ϳ6.3 kHz. Power dependent measurements suggest that this linewidth does not approach the Schawlow-Townes limit. © 2006 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2227624͔ Significant progress has made terahertz quantum cascade lasers 1 ͑QCLs͒ promising coherent solid-state sources for various applications in spectroscopy, sensing, and imaging. As demonstrated at several frequencies, a terahertz QCL can be used as a local oscillator ͑LO͒ for a heterodyne receiver 2,3 which is a crucial instrument for astronomical and atmospheric high-resolution spectroscopy. For those applications a narrow emission linewidth ͑LW͒ from a QCL under frequency stabilization is essential. In the case of a heterodyne space interferometer, 4 phase locking to an external reference is also required.Ideally, phase locking of the terahertz QCL would take place with respect to a harmonic of a microwave reference signal; however, it has not yet been demonstrated. Recent work has demonstrated frequency locking of a QCL to a far-infrared ͑FIR͒ gas laser line at 3.105 THz. 5 This same work demonstrated a lasing LW of 65 kHz, which could be maintained indefinitely as a result of the frequency stabilization. The LWs of QCLs that were reported earlier than Ref. 5 were unstabilized and could be measured only for a short sweep time of ϳ3 ms. They were measured using roomtemperature Schottky diodes to mix signals from a terahertz QCL and a FIR gas laser, 6 two terahertz QCLs, 7 or two longitudinal emission modes of a single QCL. 3 A LW as small as 20 kHz was observed. 7 When averaged for a longer time period, however, the single LWs in those experiments could exceed 1 MHz due to fluctuations of temperature and bias current, which affect the refractive index of the laser gain medium. Here we report the demonstration of phase locking of the beat signal of a two lateral-mode terahertz QCL to a microwave reference. Additionally, under frequency stabilization conditions we are able to study the emission spectrum of the terahertz QCL as a function of the laser power, in order to investigate the nature of the limit to its LW.We use a terahertz QCL based on the resonant phonon design 8 with an active region containing 176 GaAs/ Al 0.15 Ga 0.85 As quantum-well modules and having a total thickness of 10 m. The cavity of the QCL is a doublesided metal waveguide, which is 40 m wide and 1 mm long. In order to facilitate the experiment described in this letter, we specifically selected a laser with two closely spaced lasing modes. When operated in cw mode ...