From numerical minimization of a model free energy functional for a system of hard spheres, we show that the width of the local peaks of the time-averaged density field at a glassy free-energy minimum exhibits large spatial variation, similar to that of the "local Debye-Waller factor" in simulations of dynamical heterogeneity. Molecular dynamics simulations starting from a particle configuration generated from the density distribution at a glassy free-energy minimum show similar spatial heterogeneity in the degree of localization, implying a direct connection between dynamical heterogeneity and the structure of glassy free energy minima.
PACS numbers:Observation of dynamical heterogeneity, both in experiments [1] and in simulations [2], has been a significant step in the attempt to understand the behaviour of glass forming liquids. The degree of spatial variation of the "propensity for motion" [3] of individual particles, defined as the mean-square displacement of a particle from its initial position, provides a direct measure of dynamical heterogeneity. The local Debye-Waller factor (short-time rms displacement from the average position) of individual particles in the initial configuration has been found [4] to be strongly correlated with the spatially heterogeneous propensity for motion over longer time scales. However, subsequent work [5] has shown that this correlation exists only for time scales shorter than the α-relaxation time. Spatial heterogeneity of the local Debye-Waller factor has also been observed [6] in simulations below the glass transition temperature.The physical origin of dynamical heterogeneity is not well-understood at present. In particular, it is not clear whether the occurrence of spatially heterogeneous dynamics can be explained within the "free-energy landscape" description [7,8,9] of glassy behavior in which the complex dynamics is attributed to the presence of a large number of "glassy" local minima of the free energy. Density functional theory (DFT) [10], in which the free energy is expressed as a functional of the timeaveraged local density, provides a convenient framework for exploring the free-energy landscape. In this description, a glassy free-energy minimum is a local minimum of the free energy functional with a strongly inhomogeneous but non-periodic density distribution. The local peaks of the density distribution represent the time-averaged positions of the particles, and the width of a local peak is analogous to the local Debye-Waller factor measured in simulations. In this description, the α-relaxation time corresponds to the time scale of transitions between different glassy minima [7,8]. Therefore, the density distribution at a typical glassy free-energy minimum should correspond to an average of the local density over a time scale shorter than the α-relaxation time. If this description is valid, then the spatial variation of the propensities for motion observed in simulations over time scales shorter than the α-relaxation time (which, as discussed above, is strongly co...