Abstract. A unique long-term dataset from the UK National Ammonia Monitoring Network (NAMN) is used here to assess spatial, seasonal and long-term variability in atmospheric ammonia (NH 3 : 1998(NH 3 : -2014) and particulate ammonium (NH + 4 : 1999-2014) across the UK. Extensive spatial heterogeneity in NH 3 concentrations is observed, with lowest annual mean concentrations at remote sites (< 0.2 µg m −3 ) and highest in the areas with intensive agriculture (up to 22 µg m −3 ), while NH + 4 concentrations show less spatial variability (e.g. range of 0.14 to 1.8 µg m −3 annual mean in 2005). Temporally, NH 3 concentrations are influenced by environmental conditions and local emission sources. In particular, peak NH 3 concentrations are observed in summer at background sites (defined by 5 km grid average NH 3 emissions < 1 kg N ha −1 yr −1 ) and in areas dominated by sheep farming, driven by increased volatilization of NH 3 in warmer summer temperatures. In areas where cattle, pig and poultry farming is dominant, the largest NH 3 concentrations are in spring and autumn, matching periods of manure application to fields. By contrast, peak concentrations of NH + 4 aerosol occur in spring, associated with long-range transboundary sources. An estimated decrease in NH 3 emissions by 16 % between 1998 and 2014 was reported by the UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory. Annually averaged NH 3 data from NAMN sites operational over the same period (n = 59) show an indicative downward trend, although the reduction in NH 3 concentrations is smaller and nonsignificant: Mann-Kendall (MK), −6.3 %; linear regression (LR), −3.1 %. In areas dominated by pig and poultry farming, a significant reduction in NH 3 concentrations between 1998 and 2014 (MK: −22 %; LR: −21 %, annually averaged NH 3 ) is consistent with, but not as large as the decrease in estimated NH 3 emissions from this sector over the same period (−39 %). By contrast, in cattle-dominated areas there is a slight upward trend (non-significant) in NH 3 concentrations (MK: +12 %; LR: +3.6 %, annually averaged NH 3 ), despite the estimated decline in NH 3 emissions from this sector since 1998 (−11 %). At background and sheep-dominated sites, NH 3 concentrations increased over the monitoring period. These increases (non-significant) at background (MK: +17 %; LR: +13 %, annually averaged data) and sheep-dominated sites (MK: +15 %; LR: +19 %, annually averaged data) would be consistent with the concomitant reduction in SO 2 emissions over the same period, leading to a longer atmospheric lifetime of NH 3 , thereby increasing NH 3 concentrations in remote areas. The observations for NH 3 concentrations not decreasing as fast as estimated emission trends are consistent with a larger downward trend in annual particulate NH + 4 concentrations (1999-2014: MK: −47 %; LR: −49 %, p < 0.01, n = 23), associated with a lower formation of particulate NH