USA. Telephone: 210-616-5648; Fax: 210-949-5085; e-mail: www: Received October 11, 2000; accepted for publication May 11, 2001. ©AlphaMed Press 1083-7159/2001
INTRODUCTIONThymic tumors are common among anterior mediastinal tumors in adults. The vast majority of thymic lesions are thymoma [1]. Thymoma is relatively unique among tumors in that the prognosis appears to be more closely related to the invasive characteristics seen at operation rather than histological appearance. Indeed, the degree of encapsulation and invasion of adjacent tissues define malignancy for these tumors rather than the histologic appearance of the tumor cells [2]. Current treatment of thymoma is often multidisciplinary in nature, and has evolved based upon a growing number of studies to date. These studies have looked at various outcomes based upon associated patient syndromes, tumor histology, and tumor staging, as well as various surgical, radiotherapeutic, chemotherapeutic, and multimodality trials. These studies form the basis of this review.