To quantitatively investigate the effects of pentobarbital anesthesia on brain activity, brain metabolite concentrations and cerebral metabolic rate of glucose, in vivo proton MR spectra, and electroencephalography were measured in the rat brain with various doses of pentobarbital. The results show that (1) the resonances attributed to propylene glycol, a solvent in pentobarbital injection solution, can be robustly detected and quantified in the brain; (2) the concentration of most brain metabolites remained constant under the isoelectric state (silent electroencephalography) with a high dose of pentobarbital compared to mild isoflurane anesthesia condition, except for a reduction of 61% in the brain glucose level, which was associated with a 37% decrease in cerebral metabolic rate of glucose, suggesting a significant amount of "housekeeping" energy for maintaining brain cellular integrity under the isoelectric state; and (3) electroencephalography and cerebral metabolic activities were tightly coupled to the pentobarbital anesthesia depth and they can be indirectly quantified by the propylene glycol resonance signal at 1.13 ppm. This study indicates that in vivo proton MR spectroscopy can be used to measure changes in cerebral metabolite concentrations and cerebral metabolic rate of glucose under varied pentobarbital anesthesia states; moreover, the propylene glycol signal provides a sensitive biomarker for quantitatively monitoring these changes and anesthesia depth noninvasively. Key words: cerebral metabolic rate of glucose; CMR glc ; brain activity; brain metabolism; propylene glycol Sodium pentobarbital, one type of barbiturate, has been popularly used in clinic for treatment of seizures and preoperative sedation. It is also a common agent used for general anesthesia in clinical and animal research. Pentobarbital rapidly distributes to all tissues, with a higher concentration in brain, liver, and kidneys due to high lipid solubility. It can enhance the ␥-aminobutyric acid receptor-coupled response, thereby directly depressing neuronal excitability and resulting in an anesthesia effect in the brain and vanishing consciousness (see a recent review article, Alkire et al. (1), and references therein). The suppression of neuronal activity is also accompanied by significant depression of cerebral metabolic activity due to the inhibition of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) oxidation in the respiratory chain, and a deep pentobarbital anesthesia can induce a complete suppression of brain electroencephalography (EEG) activity thereby reaching an isoelectric state. Therefore, the delivery of pentobarbital into a living body can lead to a variety of brain physiologic changes, including EEG activity, cerebral metabolites/metabolic rates, and cerebral blood flow, and all these changes are expected to be related to the pentobarbital concentration reached inside the brain. It is thus essential to seek a robust, reliable tool to noninvasively assess the brain pentobarbital concentration in vivo and, ultimately, to ...