As a renowned s-triazine herbicide, ametryn is worldwide emitted into the atmosphere in both gaseous and particulate phases via spray drifts from treatments and post application emissions, but its chemical degradation in the atmosphere has not been well characterized. In this study, the heterogeneous kinetics of particulate ametryn with NO 3 radicals were investigated with a mixed-phase relative rate method.A vacuum ultraviolet photoionization aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer (VUV-ATOFMS) and an atmospheric gas analysis mass spectrometer were synchronously used to online monitor the decays of particulate ametryn and gas-phase isoprene. The reactive uptake coefficient of NO 3 radicals on ametryn particles was calculated to be 2.9 Â 10 À2 , according to the measured ametryn loss ratio and the average NO 3 concentration. The effective rate constant for the heterogeneous reaction of particulate ametryn with NO 3 radicals measured under experimental conditions was 8.4 Â 10 À13 cm 3 molecule À1 s
À1. In addition, atraton, ametryn sulfoxide and ametryn sulfone were identified as the reaction products by gaschromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. The experimental results might shed light on the chemical behavior of atmospheric ametryn at night-time.
Environmental impactAmetryn is highly persistent and bio-accumulating in the environment, having a signicant impact on the environment and public health. Therefore, comprehensive knowledge of its behavior in the environment is very important for toxicity and safety assessments. To date, few studies on its chemical degradation in the atmosphere have been performed. In this study, heterogeneous kinetics of particulate ametryn with NO 3 radicals was investigated with a mixed-phase relative rate method, and the reaction products were also determined by GC-MS. The results demonstrated that ametryn could be effectively degraded by NO 3 radicals. This investigation might shed light on the chemical behavior of atmospheric ametryn at night. In addition, the results can provide fundamental data for its health effects in the atmosphere.