Isothermal TG and DSC measurements were used to study the effect of the pyridine substituent (3-R) on the kinetics and enthalpy change in the thermal decomposition of Ni(NCS) 2(3-R-py) 4 complexes.The found activation energies (E) of the interface advance decreased with the increase in volume of the substituent, allowing the assumption of a dissociative activation mechanism in the thermal decomposition reaction.The relations between (E) and ~H and the occurrence of the kinetic compensation effectWith thiocyanate ion and 3-R-pyridine, Ni(ll) ions form mixed ligand complexes of pseudooctahedral configuration, with four (3-R-py) ligands in the equatorial plane and the NCS groups in the axial direction. On heating, they liberate the pyridine ligands in two (R = CI, Br, CN) or in several steps (R = NH2, ethyl). During the first step of thermal decomposition two (3-R-py) ligands are released according to the equation: Ni(NCS)2(3-R-py)4(s) = Ni(NCS)2(3-R-py)2(s) + 2 (3-R-py)(g) + AH (1) where ~ represents the heat of decomposition. The pseudooctahedral configuration remains for the dipyridine complexes formed the sulphur atoms from the NCS groups occupying the free positions in the coordination sphere of the central atom [1,2].In the study reported here, a series of five Ni(NCS)2(3-R-py) 4 complexes were decomposed according to Eq. (1) in a thermal analysis apparatus with the objectives of measuring the reaction kinetics and determining the heat of decomposition.*Part XX in the series Heterogeneous reactions of solid Ni(ll) COmplexes.