10Heterosis (hybrid vigor) is a universal phenomenon of crucial agro-economic 11 and evolutionary importance. We show that the most common heterosis 12 indices do not properly measure the deviation from additivity because they 13 include both a component accounting for the "real" heterosis and a term 14 that has no link with heterosis since it depends only on the parental values. 15 Therefore these indices are ineffective whenever the aim of the studies is to 16 compare heterosis levels between traits, environments, genetic backgrounds 17 or developmental stages, as these factors may affect not only heterosis but 18 also the parental values. This observation argues for the careful choice of 19 heterosis indices according to the purpose of the work. 20 Introduction 21Non-linear processes are extremely common in biology. In particular, 22 the genotype-phenotype or phenotype-phenotype relationships display fre-23 quently concave behaviours, resulting in dominance of "high" over "low" 24 alleles (Wright, 1934) and in positive heterosis for a large diversity of poly-25 genic traits (Fiévet et al., 2018; Vasseur et al., 2019). Quantifying properly 26 the degree of non-additivity is an essential prerequisite for any interpre-27 1 tation and comparison of genetic studies and for predictions in plant and 28 animal breeding. However, most of the classically used heterosis indices 29 can hardly meet this requirement.
30Recall first the way the degree of dominance is measured. There are 31 two classical dominance indices: (i) Wright (1934) defined:where z 1 , z 2 and z 12 are respectively the phenotypic values of genotypes
35D W = 0.5 corresponds to semi-dominance or additivity (z 12 = z 1 +z 2 2 ) (Ta-36 ble 1). Note that D W is strictly equivalent to the coefficient of dominance h 37 used in evolutionary genetics (Crow & Kimura, 1970). (ii) Falconer (1960) 38 proposed the following index:(A 2 is fully recessive with respect to A 1 ) and 0 in case of additivity. In case 42 of overdominance, D W < 0 and D F > 1, and in case of underdominance, 43 D W > 1 and D F < −1 (Table 1).
44The indices D W and D F are linearly related:it does not make any difference to quantify dominance with either of 46 these indices: both give the position of the heterozygote relative to the 47 tivity, i.e. real heterosis, without any ambiguity. Actually D W does not 50 seem to have been used in this context, and D F very little. In the liter-51 ature one finds five heterosis indices, which are summarized in Table 1, 52 with their characteristic values. Their expression in terms of genetic ef-53 fects, namely additive, dominance, dominance-by-dominance epistasis and 54additive-by-additive epistasis effects, are shown in Supporting Table S1.
55The two most popular indices are the best-parent (BP) and mid-parent 56 (MP) heterosis indices (e.g. Gowen, 1952; Frankel, 1983):where z 2 , z 12 andz are respectively the phenotypic values of parent 2 (with 59 z 2 > z 1 ), of hybrid parent 1 × parent 2 and of the parental mean.
60In some instances, the a...