AMEMIYA, K. 1974. Relationship between growth and metabolic activity in the strict chemolithotroph, T/2iobacillus thiooxidans. Can. J . Microbiol. 20: 1709-1712. The metabolic activity of Tl~iobacillus thiooxidans was found to decrease rapidly as stationary phase was approached. Keeping the culture at constant pH (4.0) and supplernentation with CO, did not effect the decrease in metabolic activity although growth was increased. The respiration rate of cells obtained from stationary phase was negligible. No growth was obtained when the pH was adjusted to pH 6.0. Measurement of pyruvic acid, an inhibitor of metabolic activity, showed that it reached only about 1.0 x lo-' M during the early stages of growth and then decreased during exponential growth.AMEMIYA, K. 1974. Relationship between growth and metabolic activity in the strict chemolithotroph, Thiobacillus t/ziooxidans. Can. J . Microbiol. 20: 1709-1712. L'activitt metabolique de Thiobacillus thiooxidans decroit rapidement lorsque ce dernier approche la phase stationnaire. Cette baisse de I'activite mktabolique n'est pas affectee lorsque la culture est gardie a un pH constant (4.0) et lorsqu'on ajoute du C 0 2 ; cependant la croissance augmente. Le taux de respiration des cellules obtenues de la phase stationnaire est nkgligeable. I1 n'y a aucune croissance a pH 6.0. L'acide pyruvique, un inhibiteur de I'activite metabolique, atteint une concentration d'environ 1.0 x lo-' M au debut de la croissance et dkcroit durant la phase exponentielle.[Traduit par le journal]