With the continuous upgrading of the manufacturing system, the assembly line balancing problem (ALBP) is gradually complicated, and the researches are constantly deepened in the application theory and solution methods. In order to clarify the research direction and development status of assembly line balancing, 89 articles are read and studied. We classify ALBPs to construct the network structure of research from horizontal classification and vertical thinking. The ALBP framework is horizontally given according to the number of models (i.e. the number of products), the layout shape of the assembly line, and the data of task time. The “seven steps for scientific paper” is vertically proposed according to the research steps to comb the research path of scientific and technological literature. The horizontal and vertical extension crosses and constructs the network structure of the ALBP. Any horizontal problem intersects with any step of the vertical “seven steps for scientific paper” to form a research point. We analyze 89 articles according to the development path from the straight line to U-shaped line and then to two-sided U-shaped/parallel U-shaped assembly line, summarize the research algorithm of assembly line balance and count the number of articles, and point out the latest research direction and algorithm development trend of assembly line balance.