circuits has been studied both theoretically and experimentally [15,16]. Such studies have been instrumental in defining the atomic counterpart of SQUIDs [15][16][17][18], that are believed to be of paramount importance for guided interferometers [12,[19][20][21][22]. Recently, it has been predicted that attracting bosons can lead to an enhanced performance in rotation sensing [23,24].Recent advances in cold atoms experiments have rekindled the interest in SU(N ) fermionic systems [25][26][27][28][29]. These strongly interacting N -component systems, as provided by alkaline earth and ytterbium atoms, have an enlarged symmetry compared to SU(2) fermionic systems resulting in unique and and exotic physics [30,31]. SU(N ) fermions play a vital role in a wide variety of contexts ranging from high precision measurement [32,33] and quantum simulation [27,28,34] of many-body systems, to studying lattice confinement in high energy physics [35].Here, we focus on the simple case of an atomtronic circuit provided by a ring-shaped quantum gas of SU(N ) fermions. In such circuits, a guided matter-wave, specifically a persistent current, can be generated by the application of an effective magnetic field [36][37][38][39][40]. Persistent currents in two-component ultracold fermions have been experimentally studied very recently [41,42]. For Ncomponent fermions confined in ring potentials, the theory predicts a fractional quantization of the angular momentum, with important differences arising on whether the atoms are subject to repulsive or attractive interaction [43,44]. Such results provide further evidence that persistent currents can be used to define an instance of the aforementioned current-based quantum simulators for the diagnostic of interacting quantum many-particle system [6,7,45,46].