The surge in the population growth rate and a manifold increase in the use of vehicles which affects the greenery of the earth, has promulgated the need for innovations in Transient Plasma Ignition (TPI) systems. This study signifies how important that an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), which is used in automobiles, must use a system that reduces the emission of harmful gases released during the combustion and emission phases. TPI system is concentrated as its high energy producing features can very well ignite biogas which requires a very high temperature to burn. Biogas being a renewable source of energy, also adds to the benefit of using it. This study also emphasizes the need for using biogas for preserving the greenery of the environment. Combating the NO X emissions has now become so challenging that many research works are being carried out to reduce its emission during fuel exhaust. The ability of TPI incorporated with biogas to reduce NO X gas emission during the exhaust process of ICE is studied. TPI, on comparison with other non-thermal low efficient transient plasmas was found to be better in igniting the renewable biogas completely.