In our previous paper we derived the holographic dual of the planar fishnet CFT in four dimensions. The dual model becomes classical in the strongly coupled regime of the CFT and takes the form of an integrable chain of particles in five dimensions. Here we study the theory at the quantum level. By applying the canonical quantization procedure with constraints, we show that the model describes a quantum chain of particles propagating in AdS 5 . We prove the duality at the full quantum level in the u(1) sector and reproduce exactly the spectrum for the cases when it is known analytically.In particular, the graph building operator is self-adjoint with respect to this norm. Given the wave function ϕ O we can compute any correlation function of the operator O. For example, the two point function is given by5) 1 Here we have suppressed double trace interactions which are not relevant non-perturbatively [5, 10]. 2 Not to be confused with the 't Hooft coupling of the parent N = 4 SYM theory, λ. 3 When taking the conjugate of the wave function in (2.4), one does not conjugate the 't Hooft coupling ξ 2 . This relation is a straight forward generalization of the J = 2 case considered in [3] to any length.12 The extra polynomial factors in T's can be removed by the gauge transformation g(u) = e πu 2 Γ(−iu). Under the gauge transformationT1(u),T 1 (u) → u J ,T 6 (u) →T 6 (u)/u J andT4(u) →T4(u)/ u 2 + 1 4ξ 2 J whereas T 4 (u) does not change. The Q-operator transforms as Q(u) → g(u)Q(u).