The experimental study of a repetitively pulsed chemical HF laser operating on a chain reaction F 2 +H 2 , initiated by the barrier electrical discharge with the inter-electrode gap 10 cm, with length of active medium 40 cm along optical axis has been carried out. The barrier electrical discharge with duration about 120 ns has shown a high stability, reliability and homogeneity at specific energy deposits up to 60 J / l.At the repetition pulses rate 10 Hz with the depleted fluorine-hydrogen mixture (20 % F 2 , 5 % H 2 ), the mean laser power 500 W (a specific energy for one laser pulse E/V ≈ 11.6 J / l, technical efficiency of 15.6 %) is achieved.In the single pulse mode of the laser operation with the mixture 30 % F 2 , 12 % H 2 the maximum pulse energy E max = 100 J, the specific radiation energy E/V = 24 J / l, the technical efficiency η tech = 28.4 % are obtained.