Partly due to the complex and variable composition of oily sludge generated by the petroleum industry, cost-effective treatment and proper disposal pose considerable challenges worldwide. In this study, an extended component-based analysis of the oily sludge from a fl occulation-fl otation unit of a wastewater treatment system in a refi nery in Sweden was carried out over 1 year. The heterogeneity of the oily sludge is illustrated by the wide ranges of concentrations found for different chemical components, particularly metals. Among the petroleum hydrocarbons, the most abundant compounds were nonpolar aliphatic hydrocarbons (63.7 ± 16.7 g kg −1 ); from the benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene group, xylenes (91-240 mg kg −1 ) were most abundant; and among polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, naphthalene (25.7 ± 21.4), fl uorene (27.25 ± 10.0), and phenanthrene (43.8 ± 18.4 mg kg −1 ) were most abundant (all results in terms of dry matter). Based on the EU guidelines and the mean concentration values for metals found in the oily sludge, e.g., Pb (135.4 ± 125.8), Cu (105.2 ± 79.1), Hg (42.8 ± 31.3), Ni (320 ± 267.4), and Zn (1321.7 ± 529.9 mg kg −1 ), disposal of oily sludge even in landfi lls for hazardous waste is not allowed. The organic content of the sludge can be reduced through biotreatment, but not the metal content. A multistep component-based treatment scheme is therefore needed.The oily sludge generated at fl occulation-fl otation units (FFU sludge) of wastewater treatment plants contains J Mater Cycles Waste Manag (2008) 10:79-86