’Hibernoma’ is a neoplasm that arises from vestiges of fetal brown fat, and its occurrence in oral cavity is extremely rare. Its most common locations include thighs, the inter-scapular region, and the cervical region. In the present case, a 37-year-old male patient reported to our department with a localized swelling on his lower left labial mucosa along with multiple cutaneous well-defined swellings on his right arm and abdominal region. Incisional biopsy was carried out. Histopathological examination revealed sheets of multi-vacuolated eosinophilic cells with the granular cytoplasm interspersed with fat cells suggestive of oral hibernoma. These are rare lesions and could be often a missed-out diagnosis. Therefore, it is imperative to consider oral hibernoma among the commonly considered differential diagnosis of oral mucosal swellings.