A fundamental problem in the analysis of protein folding and other complex reactions in which the entropy plays an important role is the determination of the activation free energy from experimental measurements or computer simulations. This article shows how to combine minimum-cut-based free energy profiles (F C), obtained from equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations, with conventional histogram-based free energy profiles (F H) to extract the coordinatedependent diffusion coefficient on the F C (i.e., the method determines free energies and a diffusive preexponential factor along an appropriate reaction coordinate). The F C, in contrast to the FH, is shown to be invariant with respect to arbitrary transformations of the reaction coordinate, which makes possible partition of configuration space into basins in an invariant way. A ''natural coordinate,'' for which F H and FC differ by a multiplicative constant (constant diffusion coefficient), is introduced. The approach is illustrated by a model onedimensional system, the alanine dipeptide, and the folding reaction of a double -hairpin miniprotein. It is shown how the results can be used to test whether the putative reaction coordinate is a good reaction coordinate.diffusion ͉ protein folding ͉ one-dimensional free energy surfaces ͉ variable diffusion coefficient F ree energy surface (FES) projected on a few progress variables (usually one or two) is often used to describe the equilibrium and kinetic properties of complex systems with a very large number (100 to 1,000 or more) of degrees of freedom. Studies of protein folding are an important example where this type of projected surface has been introduced and progress variables such as the number of native contacts and radius of gyration have been used (1-3). Most experimental analyses of protein folding have used a related approach; for example, if the distribution of folding times is exponential, it is assumed that there is a single free energy barrier along a generally unknown one-dimensional reaction coordinate. For a few systems that show more complex kinetics, the results have been interpreted in terms of projected FESs in two dimensions (4), although, again, the actual progress variables are not known. However, even when a one-dimensional single-barrier free energy projection seems adequate to describe the kinetics, there is a fundamental difficulty in determining the barrier height, because the measurements provide only one parameter (e.g., in protein folding, the rate constant of the corresponding unimolecular reaction is obtained). In such a standard ''one-dimensional'' analysis, the rate constant, k, is written as k ϭ k 0 e Ϫ⌬F/kT , where k 0 is the preexponential factor and ⌬F is the free energy of activation. Thus, there are two unknowns, k 0 and ⌬F, to be determined from one measurement. For many small-molecule reactions, the entropic contribution to the barrier is negligible (⌬F Ϸ ⌬E, the activation energy), so that a measurement of the temperature dependence of the reaction rate can be used t...