The infinite tower of vector mesons encoded in holographic dual QCD bring drastic changes to the soliton structure of the nucleon. The nucleon is given by a point-like instanton in 5D surrounded by a vector meson cloud with the vector dominance restored by the infinite tower. I discuss the possible relevance of this structure in hot and dense hadronic matter. §1. The Objective I would like to discuss in this talk a particular aspect of baryon structure that arises from holographic dual QCD (hQCD for short) that has an important ramification on some current issues of nuclear/hadronic physics. My talk will be largely motivated by the series of work 1), 2) I have done recently with my string theory/particle physics colleagues in Korea. This work addressed broadly two different issues. As nicely exposed in the recent talks by my colleagues, 3), 4) to string theorists, it is already quite surprising that the notion of gravity/gauge duality can access certain properties of the baryons at such an accuracy, say, ∼ 10% level. Here string theory purports to first ascertain how well it postdicts the baryon properties well described by QCD proper or rather by its effective field theories and then to address problems that go beyond the standard model, e.g., baryon decay, 5) just to cite one.What I am interested in here is quite different in nature. I would like to see in what way string theory may provide us with something that cannot, at present, be accessed by QCD proper.I would like to first describe what it is that we would like to understand, describe what hQCD can actually do and then state what needs to be done to enable hQCD to answer the question posed. §2. The Origin of Hadron Mass One of the currently active researches in strong interaction physics is to unravel how the ground-state hadrons, ρ, ω, p and n, that figure importantly in nuclear physics get most of their masses, given that the masses of the basic constituents, quarks, are tiny on the strong interaction scale. Numerous experiments have been done at various laboratories in the world and will continue in the upcoming facilities at CERN, GSI etc. in search of evidence for the assumed mechanism of the mass generation. At the intuitively simplest level, one may attribute the mass mostly to the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry as prescribed by QCD. Taking the ρ typeset using PTPT E X.cls Ver.0.9