A general framework for the study of regular variation (RV) is that of Polish starshaped metric spaces, while recent developments in [41] have discussed RV with respect to a properly localised boundedness B. Along the lines of the latter approach, we discuss the RV of Borel measures and random processes on a general Polish metric spaces (D, dD). Tail measures introduced in [47] appear naturally as limiting measures of regularly varying time series. We define tail measures on the measurable space (D, D) indexed by H(D), a countable family of 1-homogeneous coordinate maps, and show some tractable instances for the investigation of RV when B is determined by H(D). This allows us to study the regular variation of càdlàg processes on D(R l , R d ) retrieving in particular results obtained in [59] for RV of stationary càdlàg processes on the real line removing l = 1 therein. Further, we discuss potential applications and open questions.