“…The parameters used are defined as follows under the assumption that n sensors are currently employed by the underlying WSN. - (1)ID i : the identity of node i, ID i = i , 1 ≤ i ≤ n .
- (2)KDS: The key distribution server as node 1, ie, ID 1 , is responsible for two main tasks: (a) key management, generation, and assignment; (b) broadcasting messages to all nodes to update their key cross, which will be defined later.
- (3)Symmetric Key Matrix (SKM): The KDS generates random numbers to construct an n × n symmetric matrix SKM = { K i,j | 1≤ i , j ≤ n }, which is stored in KDS only, where K i,j = K j,i for all i s and j s. 。
- (4)Communication Key Group of node i ( CKG i ): Node i , 1 ≤ i ≤ n , having a set of its own communication keys, which is used to construct CKG i , ie, CKG i = { K i,j |1 ≤ j ≤ n and j ≠ i }.
- (5) K 1,1 : The master key of the KDS, which is a common key shared by all nodes in the WSN for message encryption, authentication, and management.
- (6) K i,i : The master key used by node i , 2 ≤ i ≤ n , for message encryption and authentication.
- (7) K g : The group key of the system, which is shared by all nodes in the WSN and used for generation of individual authentication key.
- (8) G ‐ tab : The system group‐table, a 16×16 random permutation table, which is created by the KDS and shared by all nodes in the WSN to derive temporary encryption keys for message transmission.
- (9) IC i ‐ tab : The individual characteristic table established for node i , 1 ≤ i ≤ n , which is a 16×16 random permutation table created by the KDS for message encryption and authentication.
- (10) K i , AK : The individual authentication key of node i , 2 ≤ i ≤ n , which is generated by KDS and utilized by node i to ensure that a received message is sent by the legitimate KDS.
- (11) K i , AK,V : The verification individual authentication key generated by receiving node, ie, node i , and utilized to ensure that a received message is sent by the legitimate KDS.
- (12) K h : The system hidden key is owned only by the KDS and used to generate K i , AK , 2 ≤ i ≤ n .
- (13) t nonce ,s : The source node's CPU time when a message is created, attempting to effectively defend against replay attacks.
- (14) t nonce ,c : The receiving node's current CPU time when a message is received.
- (15) K CT : The current time key derived from t nonce , for encrypting messages and effectively defending against replay attacks.
- (16) rand : a random number of m bits long.
- (17) EK 1 and EK 2 : The encryption keys which are used to encrypt transmitted messages.
- (18) VK : The Verification Key which is adopted to authenticate the identity of the sender.
- (19) TK 1 ∼ TK 4 : Temporary keys used to generate the encryption and verification keys.
- (20) msg : The transmitted message, the size of which is k times the key size, k ∈Z + .
- (21) k ‐code: the key‐refreshment‐code, the size of which is the same as that of a key