Objective: The objective was to investigate the impact of affective, social, behavioral, and cognitive factors on pediatric emergency department (PED) provider mood changes during clinical shifts, with the introduction of a novel on-shift measure.
Methods:The nominal group technique was used to generate the ED experience survey (EDES), encompassing factors that may influence PED provider mood. Providers were alerted via experience sampling method to complete the EDES and positive and negative affect schedule at randomly generated times. Analyses were conducted using multilevel modeling of moods within shifts within persons.
Results:Measures were completed 221 times during 137 shifts by 52 PED providers.Positive mood tended to increase with higher self-rated capacity to deal with challenging patient situations (p < 0.001). Having to repeat patient assessments was negatively associated with positive mood during the beginning, but not rest of shift (p = 0.01).Changes in positive mood varied across provider groups (p < 0.001). Negative mood tended to decrease with higher self-rated quality of interactions with patients/families (p < 0.001). Needing a restroom break during any time on duty was associated with negative mood (p < 0.001). Furthermore, negative mood was associated with the need to process emotions during the shift beginning (p = 0.01). Finally, not knowing about patients' outcomes was associated with negative mood during the shift end (p < 0.001).Conclusions: PED providers' mood during shifts are impacted by ED-specific factors spanning physical, social, behavioral, affective, and cognitive features. Future research may explore potential entry points for mitigation of clinician stress to support provider well-being and ultimately improve patient care.