“…Lucchi et al (Lucchi et al, 2010) exploited a mincut-maxflow algorithm to partition the superpixel based graph, Bernardis and Yu (Bernardis and Yu, 2010) segmented out individual cells based on the normalized cuts (Shi and Malik, 2000), and Zhang et al (Zhang et al, 2014a) employed a correlation clustering method to achieve superpixel graph partition. Some other graph based methods can be found in (Al-Kofahi et al, 2010; Nath et al, 2006; Faustino et al, 2009; Chen et al, 2008; Wu et al, 2012; Yu et al, 2010; Janowczyk et al, 2012; Lou et al, 2012). Although effcient graph-based segmentation algorithm (Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher, 2004) is proposed, generally graph partition methods exhibit high time cost, which limits their applications in real cell segmentation.…”