the cationic shuttle of Na þ , K þ , Mg 2þ , Ca 2þ , and Zn 2þ ions and anionic shuttle based on F À and Cl À ion. [3] One promising alternative to LIBs is rechargeable chlorideion batteries (CIBs) [4] which offer high theoretical volumetric energy densities up to 2500 Wh L À1 , comparable with lithiumsulfur batteries. [5] Energy storage based on chloride-ion transfer would be favorable due to the lower cost and higher abundance of chlorides as compared with lithium. [6] The first proof of concept of a CIB was demonstrated by Zhao et al., with CoCl 2 , VCl 3 , and BiCl 3 cathodes, which suffered from rapid capacity fading during cycling attributed to the high volume changes due to the underlying conversion-based storage mechanism and solubility issues of cathodes in the electrolyte. [7] Layered double hydroxides, which are less prone to dissolve in the electrolyte, could demonstrate a cyclability of CIBs beyond 1000 cycles. [8] Recently, chlorideion-intercalated graphite was used as a cathode in combination with aqueous electrolytes and demonstrated the feasibility of a high cycle life with over 4000 cycles. [9] Furthermore, progress has also been shown in the development of inorganic chloride-ion-conducting solid electrolyte CsSnCl 3 with a large electrochemical stability window of 6.1 V and a room temperature conductivity of %10 À4 S cm À1 . [5d,10] In general, the field of CIB holds great promise for the exploration of novel electrode materials. Mixed-anion transition metal-based oxychloride materials are potential candidates for electrodes, that can offer better structural stability and facilitate solvent processing as compared with their chloride analogues. The layered VOCl cathode investigated by Gao et al. demonstrated stable cycling performance with a reversible capacity of 113 mAh g À1 after 100 cycles. [5a] Other examples like FeOCl [11] and BiOCl [3g] could be used as cathode material for CIBs and exhibited moderate electrochemical performances. Both VOCl and FeOCl have an orthorhombic structure, with a layered arrangement of chloride and oxygen atoms, while Fe 3þ /V 3þ is incorporated at the center of the polyhedron. In contrast, BiOCl has a tetragonal structure, where chloride ions lie between the Bi and O bilayers. In this report, we evaluate the electrochemical performance of tetragonal-structured tungsten oxytetrachloride (WOCl 4 ) as an electrode material for CIBs (theoretical