Searches for new low-mass matter and mediator particles have actively been pursued at fixed target experiments and at e + e − colliders. It is challenging at the CERN LHC, but they have been searched for in Higgs boson decays and in B meson decays by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations, as well as in a low transverse momentum phenomena from forward scattering processes (e.g., FASER). We propose a search for a new scalar particle in association with a heavy vector-like quark. The vector-like quark, for example, is predicted in a framework of a new gauge symmetry, U (1)T 3R, with a see-saw mechanism. A set of right-handed fermions in the Standard Model are charged under U (1)T 3R, with the addition of new vector-like fermions and a new dark scalar particle (φ ) whose vacuum expectation value breaks the U (1)T 3R symmetry. In this model, the top quark (t) couples to a light scalar φ and a heavy vector-like top quark T . We examine single and pair production of T in pp collisions, resulting in a final state with a top quark that decays purely hadronically, a T which decays semileptonically (T → W + b → ν b), and a φ that is very boosted and decays to a pair of collimated photons which can be identified as a merged photon system. The proposed search is expected to achieve a discovery reach with signal significance greater than 5σ (3σ) for m(T ) as large as 1.8 (2) TeV and m(φ ) as small as 1 MeV, assuming an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb −1 . This search can expand the reach of T , and demonstrates that the LHC can probe low-mass, MeV-scale particles.