Mono-X signatures are a powerful collider probe of the nature of dark matter. We show that mono-Higgs and mono-Z may be key signatures of pseudo-scalar portal interactions between dark matter and the SM. We demonstrate this using a simple renormalizable version of the portal, with a Two-Higgs-Doublet-Model as electroweak symmetry breaking sector. Mono-Z and mono-Higgs signatures in this scenario are of resonant type, which constitutes a novel type of dark matter signature at LHC.The nature of dark matter (DM) is an outstanding mystery at the interface of particle physics and cosmology. The current DM candidate paradigm is the so-called Weakly-Interacting-Massive-Particle (WIMP), a particle whose relic abundance is obtained via thermal freezeout in the early Universe, and with a mass in the range GeV − TeV, around the scale of electroweak (EW) symmetry breaking v = 246 GeV. WIMP DM is very wellmotivated in connection with new physics close to the EW scale (see [1] for a review) and/or the existence of a hidden sector (singlet under the SM gauge group) which interacts with the SM via a portal [2,3].A large experimental effort aims to reveal the nature of (WIMP) DM and its interactions with SM particles, either indirectly by measuring the energetic SM particles product of DM annihilations in space, or directly by measuring the scattering of ambient DM from heavy nuclei. Current best experimental limits on the spinindependent DM interaction cross section with nuclei by the Large-Underground-Xenon (LUX) experiment [4] are very strong, and particularly constraining for DM masses in the range 10 − 100 GeV. On the other hand, the experimental limits on spin-dependent DM-nucleon interactions are much less stringent, generically favouring a pseudo-scalar mediator of DM-nucleon interactions (which primarily yields spin-dependent interactions) over a scalar mediator.Direct/indirect probes of DM are complemented by searches at colliders, where pairs of DM particles could be produced. These escape the detector and manifest themselves as events showing an imbalance in momentum conservation, via the presence of missing transverse momentum E T / recoiling against a visible final state X. Searches for events with large E T / are a major activity at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) precisely due to their (potential) connection to DM [5].Searches for DM in X + E T / channels, referred to as mono-X, can be classified according to the visible particle(s) X against which the invisible particles recoil. Experimental studies at Tevatron and LHC have considered cases in which X is a hadronic jet [6-8], a photon γ [9, 10], W or Z bosons [11,12] and, after the recent discovery of the Higgs boson [13,14], have also considered X to be the 125 GeV Higgs particle h [15]. Indeed, if DM is linked to the EW scale, W , Z and Higgs boson signatures are natural places to search for it, with mono-W, Z, h having been recently considered as a paradigm for such potential signatures [16][17][18][19][20][21][22].With the EW symmetry breaking sector being a...