We propose an Abelian gauged version of the singlet-doublet fermionic dark matter (DM) model where DM, combination of a vector like fermion doublet and a fermion singlet, is naturally stabilised by the gauge symmetry without requiring any ad-hoc discrete symmetries. In order to have good detection prospects at collider experiments like the large hadron collider (LHC) and enlarged parameter space for low mass DM, we consider the additional gauge symmetry to be based on the quantum B − 3L τ where the restriction to third generation of leptons is chosen to have weaker bounds from the LHC on the corresponding gauge boson. The triangle anomalies arising in this model can be can cancelled by including a right handed neutrino which takes part in generating light neutrino masses through type I seesaw mechanism. Apart from DM, collider prospects and light neutrino masses, the model also offers high scale validity giving rise to a stable electroweak vacuum and perturbative couplings all the way up to the Planck scale. We constrain our model parameters from these requirements as well as existing relevant constraints related to DM and colliders. * bb1988@iitg.ac.in † dborah@iitg.ac.in ‡ Apart from DM, neutrino and collider prospects, the model comes up with additional advantage of providing a solution to the metastable nature of electroweak vacuum [47-54]. The negative fermionic contribution (primarily due to top quark and VLFs) to the renormalisation group (RG) running of the Higgs quartic coupling is compensated by respective contributions from additional scalars in the model 2 . In particular, the constraints from the requirement of vacuum stability restricts the gauge coupling of TeV scale B − 3L τ gauge symmetry to g B−3Lτ < ∼ 0.25 and SM Higgs coupling with VLF to Y < ∼ 0.3. For such couplings, the model also remains perturbative all the way upto the Planck scale. This paper is organised as follows: In section II we have introduced the new particles in our model and their interaction Lagrangian. In section III we have discussed the constraints on the model parameters arising from stability, unitarity and perturbativity of the scalar potential, electroweak precision observables, LHC searches and generation of light neutrino mass requirements. The details of the parameter space scan for the DM phenomenology is elaborated in section IV where in subsection IV A we have illustrated the relic density allowed parameter space and in subsection IV B direct search is discussed. The high scale validity and perturbativity of the model is elaborated in section V, where we have also chosen some of the benchmark points satisfying all relevant constraints in order to perform the collider analysis. The collider signatures of the model, along with discovery potential in the LHC is thoroughly explained in section VI. Finally in section VII we have concluded and summarised our findings.
II. THE MODEL: FIELDS AND INTERACTIONSWe first tabulate all the particles of the model in table I with their corresponding gauge charges.On top of the fam...