We investigate quartification models in five dimensions, with the fifth dimension forming an S 1 /Z2 × Z ′ 2 orbifold. The orbifold construction is combined with a boundary Higgs sector to break the quartified gauge group directly to a group H ⊂ SU (3) 4 which is operative at the electroweak scale. We consider H = GSM ⊗ SU (2) ℓ and H = GSM , where GSM is the standard model gauge group, and find that unification occurs only when the remnant leptonic colour symmetry SU (2) ℓ remains unbroken. Furthermore, the demands of a realistic low energy fermion spectrum specify a unique symmetry breaking route for the unifying case of H = GSM ⊗ SU (2) ℓ . We contrast this with four dimensional quartification models where unification may be achieved via a number of different symmetry breaking routes both with and without the remnant SU (2) ℓ symmetry. The boundary Higgs sector of our model may be decoupled to achieve a Higgsless limit and we show that the electroweak Higgs doublet may be identified as the fifth component of a higher dimensional gauge field. * Electronic address: a.demaria@physics.