This paper describes two novel algorithms based on the time-modulo reconstruction method intended for detection of the parametric faults in analogue-to-digital converters (ADC). In both algorithms, a pulse signal, in its slightly adapted form to allow sufficient time for converter settling, is taken as the test stimulus relieving the burden placed on the accuracy requirement of the excitation source. Instead of calculating the accurate conventional dynamic and static parameters, a signature result is obtained through the analysis of the output data in the time domain. The basic concept of the algorithms is the evaluation on the performance of ADCs by the comparison of the similarity of the output waveforms. The multi-site test is expensive for traditional specification-based tests of ADCs, as high quality analogue data generators are required. Based on these two algorithms, this paper proposes a solution for this problem. The objective of the test scheme is not to completely replace traditional specification-based tests, but to provide a reliable method for early identification of excessive parameter variations in production test that allows quickly discarding of most of the faulty circuits before performing a conventional test. The efficiency of the methods is validated on an industrial 12-bit pipelined ADC both in simulations and in measurements.