Chemically highly stable MOFs incorporating multiple functionalities are of great interest for applications under harsh environments.H erein, we presented af acile onepot synthetic strategy to incorporate multiple functionalities into stable Zr-MOFs from mixed ligands of different geometry and connectivity.V ia our strategy,tetratopic tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin (TCPP) ligands were successfully integrated into UiO-66 while maintaining the crystal structure, morphology,a nd ultrahigh chemical stability of Integrating multi-functionality into metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) has attracted growing attention as it plays ac ritical role in realizing the potential of MOFs for aw ide range of applications.[1] To date,tremendous efforts have been made to develop strategies to incorporate multiple functionalities into MOFs.[2] Among them, mixed-ligand strategies have been extensively studied owing to the straightforward synthesis and preservation of the structural integrity of MOFs.[3] Remarkably,Y aghi and co-workers reported the synthesis of multifunctional MOFs,s o-called multivariate (MTV)-MOFs by mixing ligands and successfully introduced up to eight functionalities into MOF-5.[4] However,m ixedligand strategies generally require the use of ligands of the same geometry and connectivity (e.g.ligand derivatives) that are "indistinguishable" during the formation of MOFs to prevent generating mixed phases,w hich greatly limits the variety of ligand and functionality that can be incorporated into the MOF.I na ddition to the functionality,t he excellent stability is another prerequisite for practical applications of MOFs,especially for those under harsh conditions,inorder to guarantee the integrity of the framework. Although there have been af ew reported examples of MOFs containing mixed ligands of different symmetry and connectivity,t hose MOFs are mostly based on M 2+ metal species,w hich suffer from poor stability under harsh chemical conditions and thus their applications are severely restricted. Herein, we show that through one-pot thermodynamically controlled synthesis, multiple functionalities can be integrated into aZ r-MOF without forming separate domains even when mixing ligands of different size,s ymmetry,a nd connectivity.T he multifunctionalized Zr-MOFs obtained maintain the crystal structure,morphology,and stability of the parent MOF.Owing to the excellent stability of the parent MOF,our multi-functionalized Zr-MOFs exhibit high stability under harsh chemical environments.T herefore,o ur strategy goes beyond the limit of conventional mixed-ligand strategies and expands the diversity of functionality for stable MOFs modification, holding great potentials for exploring the applications of MOFs extensively.In recent years,Z r-MOFs have been intensively investigated owing to their considerably improved stability compared to common Zn/Cu/Cd-based MOFs.[5] Thev ersatile symmetry and connectivity of the Zr 6 cluster make it compatible with many different kinds of organic ligands to form MOFs.H owev...